INK partners with schools to provide the highest quality master coaching experience for teachers.
Our virtual instructional coaches are master trained, non-evaluative coaches who work closely with teachers through ongoing cycles of observation and support.
The virtual instructional coaches support and guide teachers toward increased classroom effectiveness through weekly synchronous and asynchronous coaching sessions focused specifically on student achievement, behavior, or attitude.
The teacher, guided by the coach, identifies an area of change the teacher would like to see in his/her classroom. The coach and teacher also select a high yield teaching practice (strategy) to implement the change in order to reach the goal. The coach helps the teacher understand the teaching practice and may even model the practice with the teacher multiple ways to support the professional growth of the teacher prior to implementation.
Coach and teacher both monitor implementation of the strategies and progress toward the goal through bi-weekly video uploads using a secure digital platform where both teacher and coach communicate safely. The T-TESS and CLASS rubrics have been added into the digital platform to help support and build capacity of all teachers.

A coaching cycle can last anywhere from three to six weeks, depending on the goal, and progress is monitored through our continued Identify, Learn, and Improve protocol. When a goal is met, a new picture of reality is shared, and a new goal is set.
Instructional coaches are assigned to each teacher based on area of expertise and maintain a weekly 1:1 relationship of collaboration, respect, and professional development modeled to achieve instructional excellence. Weekly coaching logs are kept documenting the effective 25-minute coaching sessions to track progress.
The Virtual Instructional Coaching team is supported through bi-weekly Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to create a system of unity and support through best practices, collaboration, meaningful data collection, and personal accountability for the success of all.
Let’s Connect to learn how we can support you!
Amanda Rollert
Director of Virtual Programs
(512) 557-5967